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Automotive Guide

Things to know about tire and belt maintenance

2021-10-22 Automotive Guide Comments Off on Things to know about tire and belt maintenance

  I believe everyone often hears about puncture accidents or traffic accidents caused by tires that are not replaced in time after aging. The most effective way to avoid incidents is to check and...

Maintenance method of turbocharged engine vehicle

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  Here are a few ways to maintain a turbocharged engine vehicle. Change the oil frequently and maintain in advance In the process of turbocharged engine operation, because the exhaust gas that dr...

Summer lubricating oil use method

2021-10-22 Automotive Guide Comments Off on Summer lubricating oil use method

In summer, the ambient temperature is high. If the oil is selected improperly, it is easy to cause the oil pressure to be too low, and the engine can be damaged in severe cases. Therefore, vehicles mu...

How to maintain the car after rainy days

2021-10-22 Automotive Guide Comments Off on How to maintain the car after rainy days

The weather in Beijing this year is cloudy and unpredictable, and the season is a bit abnormal. After entering the rainy season, what maintenance should be paid attention to? Many people like rainy da...

Analysis of precautions for vehicle oil replacement

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Automobile oil is the blood that sustains the life of the engine. It is a component that can cool and lubricate the engine. Now, more and more car owners realize the importance of engine oil, but they...

Main points of vehicle maintenance in spring and summer

2021-10-22 Automotive Guide Comments Off on Main points of vehicle maintenance in spring and summer

  Spring and summer alternate, the difference in temperature changes is relatively large. For automobiles, they have to experience changes in various aspects such as oil vapor caused by the rise in te...

Idle vehicle maintenance measures

2021-10-22 Automotive Guide Comments Off on Idle vehicle maintenance measures

The idle rate and idle time of cars in common people’s homes are getting higher and longer. First, people’s income levels have increased, but car prices have fallen, so the number of vehic...