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how much does cnc machining cost?

Posted by: Zhouhanping 2021-10-31 Comments Off on how much does cnc machining cost?

PTJ CNC processing plant:The processing of aluminum alloy parts and the processing of hardware parts are generally carried out by means of CNC machining. However, due to the low entry threshold of CNC machining, many CNC processing workshops on the market have caused price and quality uncertainty. 

Today, let us take a look – how customers should grasp the processing price of hardware parts, let you find a CNC processing factory for hardware parts that are guaranteed and not too expensive。how much does cnc machining cost?

Budgeting can save you money

Finding the right hardware parts processing factory Each manufacturer has its own advantages. We need to find a suitable CNC processing factory according to our own needs. The small factory is suitable for proofing, and the big factory is suitable for large quantities. There are two ways to calculate the price. 1, according to the length of product processing time 2, calculated by machine tool For example, if your product was originally made with a lathe, but you have to find a machining center, it is definitely a lot more expensive.

How to calculate the processing price of hardware parts

  • 1、 first depends on your drawings and technical requirements
  • 2 the material of each place is artificial, there are some places where the price difference is very large
  • 3The general parts are calculated according to the material cost + processing fee + profit. The processing fee is determined by the process. The price of using different processing equipment is of course different. Some calculations according to working hours (turning time, grinding time, etc.) Some are calculated according to the process (such as how much the folding board is folded, how much is the ordinary drilling, etc.)
  • 4there is a question of quantity, of course, the amount is large, if it is a single piece, it is terrible, even if it is a small piece, the material is not retail, it is the price of your whole board! For example, if you say 0.3, manufacturers are not commonly used. If you only have one or two pieces, if you buy materials only once to buy a board (such as 1220*2440), then your material costs will be spent.
  • 5the problem of the processing plant If the parts processing plant can get it, of course, there is no problem, if the processing plant itself has some processes to be outsourced, then the price will increase accordingly. If you are already a foreign company, it is equivalent to two outreach! So look for the processing factory and find the right one, find what they can do, be good at doing it.

The specific CNC machining price calculation

CNC lathe processing fee: The standard algorithm is working time * wage per working hour + fixed cost that should be apportioned, such as depreciation. The general CNC machine tool processing fee is 40-50 yuan per hour. The machine is about 1 meter, the ordinary vertical machine. The price of the machine with a small number of machines has increased slightly by more than 10 yuan. Of course, depending on the processing capabilities of the machine, the price will vary.

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how much does cnc machining cost?

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